Final Announcement of 2020 Fall and Fall 2nd UNIST Graduate admissions

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6월 24, 2020

    * If you are Korean applicants, please click below for enrollment information.
    [Click here]

    * Final Announcement for international graduate students, Tuition bill

    A. Date: Jun. 24th, 2020(Wed.), 10:00 am ~ Jun. 30th. 2020(Tue.), 16:00 pm
    B. Time: Korean local time
    C. Required information: Application number, name, nationality, birthday, and gender

    [ Click here for the announcement ]

    * Enrollment information for successful international students is as below.

    1. Payment for Enrollment

    A. Period: Jun. 24th.(Wed.) from 10 a.m, 2020 ~ Jun. 30th.(Tue.) by 4 p.m, 2020
    B. Bank information
    (1) Bank account: 540-32-0001785
    (2) Bank name: KYONGNAM BANK
    (3) Bank address: 246-1, SOKCHON-DONG, MASAN 630-010 KOREA
    (4) Bank BIC CODE (Swift code) KYNAKR22XXX
    (5) Beneficiary’s name: UNIST
    C. Due amount
    (1) Tuition fee: 0 KRW
    (2) Enrollment deposit: $300 (If you are in Korea, KRW300,000)
    * If you are residing abroad, send the scanned file of the bank transfer receipt with the sender’s name & application number via email( upon the completion of payment. Also, please send passport copy and personal information for VISA. International bank transfers will take 3~4 days for remittance.
    * The same applies to a succesful candidate in Korea and a substitute making the transfer for you from Korea.
    * If you did not remit the deposit, your admission shall be canceled.

    2. VISA

    You must fill out the form(Go to Page) and send passport copy to by Jun. 30th, 2020
    ※ Visa documents will be sent to you by post as soon as possible after confirming your remittance of deposit and Visa information from admissions team.

    3. APOSTILLE certificate (Attachement 1)

    – All the admitted students must submit the APOSTILLE of diploma and transcript to the admissions team after arriving UNIST by Sep. 1st, 2020
    – If not, your admission would be rovoked.
    *Please be prepared in advance

    4. UNIST Student Number

    A. Click the link below and confirm your student ID number.
    B. How to: Click the link -> Click ‘graduate school’ button -> Enter personal information
    [Go to Check]
    C. Inquiry: Educational Affairs Team 052-217-1117

    * please try it after Aug. 7th, 2020, because student ID will be made after confirming enrlloment of all succesful candidates

    5. Orientation

    A. Date & Venue: The information of the orientation will be announced later because of COVID-19.
    B. If you have any questions, email to

    6. Student Residence(dormitory) Application
    A. Application period: To be determined
    B. How to apply for Dormitory
    1) Check your E-mail for the UNIST Application message during the application period
    2) Check the Google link and fill out the form.
    C. Others
    1) Your room assignment may be changed depending on the Dormitory situation.
    2) UNIST allow all new international students to postpone payment until the middle of September. Any students who do not meet the deadline must move out immediately.
    3) UNIST dormitory houses 2 people per room. Some course students will be arranged as follows under dormitory policy.
    – Undergraduate / Exchange undergraduate students: Buildings 301, 303
    – Exchange Graduate students: Building 309
    – Graduate students: Applicants can select to their rooms by themselves.
    D. Move-in the residence: To be determined
    E. The Applicants shall upload “Tuberculosis Test Certificate” at Dormitory Homepage for Residence move in. (We only accept Test result issued after July 2020)
    Please Check “Notice Board” at a later time for more information.
    F. If you have any question, contact to or

    7. Medical Examination (Attachment 2, Mandatory)

    All newly enrolled students are required to get a Tuberculosis test(only Chest X-ray) and submit the result.
    A. Document for submission: Chest X-ray result form (Must use attached Form)
    – Screening agency: Public Health Center, Clinic or Hospital
    – Deadline for submission: Aug. 28th(Fri.), 2020
    – Office for submission:
    1) Those who will live in UNIST Student Residence : Student Residence,
    2) Those who will live outside of UNIST : Center for Healthcare and Counseling (MAB 201-B103)
    B. If you have any questions, email to or

    8. Scholarship

    A. Amount of Scholarship: Full tuition fees
    B. Eligibility:
    – Scholarship period: Within the class period of each degree program
    – A student who achieved at least 3 credits in the previous semester and did not received the academic warning(GPA 3.0/4.3)
    – However, a freshman is eligible to receive full tuition fee waiver scholarships for the first semester.
    C. Detailed information about scholarships will be announced during the freshmen orientation
    D. If you have any questions, email to

    ※ All succesful students are required to check notice of website and email regularly.