2024 GKS-G Application Guideline For University Track

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2월 19, 2024

    Notice of the Application of 2024 GKS-G (University Track)


    A. Schedule

      – Application: 2024.03.11.(Mon.)~2024.03.26.(Tue.)

      – Evaluation: 2024.04.04.(Thu.)~2024.04.17.(Wed.)

        * The schedule is subject to change according to the schedule of NIIED.


    B. Application Procedures

    Step 1. Submit your application documents by post by March 26th.

      – Address: Admissions Team, Room #105, Main Administrative Building (Bldg. 201),
                     UNIST-gil 50, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea

        * Only the documents(hardcopy) which arrive by March 26th. can be accepted.

        * All the documents submitted shall not be returned to the applicants.

    Step 2. Fill out the google form in order to monitor and not to miss your applications

      – https://forms.gle/tteXJZ1WouLL9fQg6


    C. Application guidelines

     We follow the 2024 GKS-G guidelines when selecting UNIST track scholarship candidates.

     So, you are encouraged to apply according to the 2024 GKS-G guidelines.


    D. Inquiry

     If you have any questions, please feel free to ask adm-c@unist.ac.kr


    E. Admission Major