[Emergency] Late Submission of English Proficiency Test score

  • 2,048Views
2월 26, 2020


    This is UNIST Admissions team.

    There are some students who have difficulty in preparing English proficiency test score like TOEIC, TOEFL and ILETS because of Corona 19 Virus.

    Only for “2020 Fall UNIST Graduate admissions”, UNIST decided to permit late submission of English Proficiency Test score for whom has trouble in submitting English test score.


    As is
    To be
    English proficiency test score shall be submitted within the application period.
    Option 1. Submission of English proficiency test score within Evaluation period(within April~May)
    Option 2. Submission of English proficiency test score after entering to UNIST(Successful candidates)
    Option 3. Submission of English proficiency test score within 1st semester in UNIST(Successful candidates)
    ※ Current situation applies Option 1.  the Option may move to 1 to 3.
    ※ If Corona 19 gets worse, UNIST admissions team will raise the Option from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
         (We will put notification on the board when the option changes)
    ※ Check the “Notice” board regularly.
    When you apply online, use “Exemption” button.

    If you have any questions or problems, call +82-52-217-1123 or email to yoh3978@unist.ac.kr

    Thank you