[Emergency] Notice for submission of documents(2021 Spring 2nd Admission)

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10월 08, 2020

    Dear, future UNIST graduate applicants.


    This is UNIST admission team.

    Because this pendemic situation, many applicants have difficulty in sending the documents by postal mail.

    The deadline of submission is 16th of October, but documents send before 16th of October can be acceptable.

    However, you should send your documents ASAP.

    Also, I am now considering open online submission with email next week, maybe it will be opened for 2~3 days.

    I will upload a guideline for online submission.

    What you have to do is

    1. Finish online application

    2. Prepare the documents.

    3. Scan all the documents neatly and make them in one PDF file

    4. Send the documents to UNIST ASAP by postal mailing service

    If you have any questions, feel free to call +82-217-1123, or email to yoh3978@unist.ac.kr

    Thank you.