Final Announcement for enrollment information of 2021 Fall UNIST Gradaute admission

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6월 21, 2021

    * If you are Korean applicants, please click below for enrollment information.

    [Korean Homepage]


    * Final Announcement for international graduate students, Tuition bill

    A. Date: June 23th. 2021(Wed.), 10:00 am ~ June 29th. 2021(Tue.), 16:00 pm

    B. Time: Korea Standard time(KST)

    C. Required information: Application number, name, nationality, birthday and gender

    [Click here for the announcement]


    * Enrollment information for successful international students is as below. (Also refer attached files.)


    1. Payment for Enrollment

    A. Period: June 23th.(Wed.) from 10 a.m, 2021 ~ June 29th.(Tue.) by 4 p.m, 2021, KST

    B. Bank information

    1) Bank account: 540-32-0001785

    2) Bank name: KYONGNAM BANK

    3) Bank address: 246-1, SOKCHON-DONG, MASAN 630-010, KOREA

    4) Bank BIC CODE (Swift code) KYNAKR22XXX

    5) Beneficiary’s name: UNIST

    C. Payment amount

    (1) Government Scholarship

    Total amount of payment : $300 (If you are in Korea, 300,000KRW)

    – Enrollment deposit: $300 (300,000KRW)

    – Tuition fee: $3,500 (3,840,000KRW) – Waived

    (2) UNIST Scholarship

    Total amount of payment : $3,800 (If you are in Korea, 4,140,000KRW)

    – Enrollment deposit: $300 (300,000KRW)

    – Tuition fee: $3,500 (3,840,000KRW) – Supported each semester

    (3) Others Scholarship

    Total amount of payment : $3,800 (If you are in Korea, 4,140,000KRW)

    – Enrollment deposit: $300 (300,000KRW)

    – Tuition fee: $3,500 (3,840,000KRW)

    * Fees for remittance must be paid by the student.

    * If you open a personal bank account at KYONGNAM BANK after entering Korea, the enrollment deposit will be refunded to your personal bank account. (Government Scholarship)

    * If you open a personal bank account at KYONGNAM BANK after entering Korea, the amount of Tuition fee(3,840,000KRW) will be deducted from the Total amount of payment deposited in Korean won(KRW). And the remaining will be refunded to your personal bank account. (UNIST Scholarship & Others Scholarship)

    * If you are residing abroad, send the scanned file of the bank transfer receipt with the sender’s name & application number via email( upon the completion of payment. Also, please send passport copy and personal information for VISA. International bank transfers will take 3~4 days for remittance.

    * The same applies to a successful candidate in Korea and a substitute making the transfer for you from Korea.

    * If you did not remit the Total amount of payment, your admission shall be canceled.


    2. VISA

    You must fill out the form([Go to page]: and send passport copy to by June 29th(Tue.), 2021.

    * Visa documents will be sent to you by post as soon as possible after confirming your remittance of payment(deposit) and Visa information from admissions team.


    3. APOSTILLE certificate (Attachement 1)

    A. All the admitted students must submit the APOSTILLE of diploma and transcript to the admissions team. (Overseas(Foreign) university degree holders)

    B. Applicants should refer to the attached file(Attachement 1) and prepare to submit an Apostille.

    1) Due Date: 2021, July 16th(Fri.)

    2) How to Submit: By Post(Postal mail)

    3) Mailing Address: Admissions Team, Room #105, Main Administrative Building(201), UNIST-gil 50, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea (Mr. Shin, Hyunjin)

    * UNIST can issue a Certificate of Admission after the Apostille is confirmed. If you do not submit the apostille, the Certificate of Admission will not be issued and your admission would be revoked.

    C. Inquiry: email to


    4. UNIST Student Number

    A. Click the link below and confirm your student ID number.

    B. How to: Click the link -> Click ‘graduate admission result’ button -> Enter personal information [Go to page]: Try it after Aug. 2021

    C. Inquiry: Educational Affairs Team, email to

    * Please try it after Aug. 2021, because student ID will be made after confirming enrollment of all successful candidates including 2021 Fall UNIST Graduate admission.


    5. Orientation

    A. The information of the orientation will be announced later by the Center for International Affairs.

    B. Inquiry: Center for International Affairs, email to


    6. Student Residence(dormitory) Application

    A. Application period: To be determined

    B. How to apply for Dormitory

    1) Check your E-mail for the UNIST Application message during the application period.

    2) The exact application date and time, application method, upload of tuberculosis checkup form, announcement of successful applicants, and payment of dormitory fees, etc. must be confirmed through the dormitory application notice.

    C. Others

    1) Your room assignment may be changed depending on the Dormitory situation.

    2) Foreign students are required to stay in quarantine for two weeks when they enter Korea.

    * In order to enter the dormitory, the tuberculosis screening form(Attachment 2) must be uploaded to the homepage. For more information, please refer to the notice to be posted (Only valid for 3 months prior to the check-in date).

    * Only if the COVID 19 specimen has been tested and is negative, it is possible to enter the dormitory.

    * Therefore, while they are staying in the isolation room, dormitory officer will inform you of the dormitory application.

    * Please Check “Notice Board” at a later time for more information.

    (Homepagy of the Dormitory:

    * When applying for the dormitory, log in with the ‘examination number’

    D. If you have any question, email to or


    7. Medical Examination (Attachment 2, Mandatory)

    All newly enrolled students are required to get a Tuberculosis test(only Chest X-ray) and submit the result.

    A. Document for submission: Chest X-ray result form (Must use attached Form)

    1) Screening agency: Clinic or Hospital

    2) Deadline for submission: Aug. 27th(Fri.), 2021

    3) Office for submission

    Those who will live in UNIST Student Residence

    → Student Residence Webpage, Submit to

    Those who will live outside of UNIST

    → Submit to Healthcare center(MAB(bldg.201) #B103)

    B. If you have any questions, email to or

    * The further notice for foreign students will be made by the Center for International Affairs.


    8. Online Preliminary Safety Education(Attachment 3, Mandatory Education)

    A. Purpose: To cultivate safety awareness for new research workers and acquire basic knowledge about safety

    B. Inquiry: (Laboratory Safety Team)


    9. Scholarship

    A. Amount of Scholarship: Full tuition fees

    B. Eligibility

    1) Scholarship period: Within the class period of each degree program

    2) A student who achieved at least 3 credits in the previous semester and did not received the academic warning(GPA 3.0/4.3)

    3) However, a freshman is eligible to receive full tuition fee waiver scholarships for the first semester(Government Scholarship).

    C. Detailed information about scholarships will be announced during the freshmen orientation

    D. If you have any questions, email to

    * All successful students are required to check notice of Website(Homepagy) and e-mail regularly.