[UNIST] 2024 Fall Semester Orientation for Graduate Freshmen (Please check if you have not received the orientation materials by email)

  • 505Views
7월 29, 2024

    Dear graduate freshmen,

    First of all, congratulations on your new studies at UNIST.

    Before starting the graduate course, we would like to inform you of the necessary things as follows.

    Please refer to the attached orientation guidebook to get further information.

    1. Searching Courses

    – Access UNIST website (http://www.unist.ac.kr) → Campus Life → Academics → Browse Open Courses → Select Academic Year and Semester (2024, 2nd semester) → Select Program, Undergraduate/Graduate, Department(School), Major → Search Courses

    * Questions about open courses (+82-(0)52-217- )



    Contact Address

    College of Engineering

    Mechanical Engineering


    Civil Urban Earth and

    Environmental Engineering


    Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering

    , Semiconductor Engineering


    Materials Science and Engineering


    Energy and Chemical Engineering


    Nuclear Engineering


    Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality


    College of Information and Biotechnology



    Industrial Engineering


    Biomedical Engineering


    Biological Sciences


    Graduate School of Health Science and Technology


    Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence


    Electrical Engineering


    Computer Science and Engineering


    Information & Communication Technology(ICT) Convergence


    College of Natural Sciences



    Mathematical Scinces




    School of Business Administration


    * Information about administration office by department: UNIST website → Campus Life → Academics → Academic Organization

    2. Student ID Number

    – Visit Graduate School Admission website from July 25th(Thu) 11:00~ : Go to the Inquiry

    3. Student ID Card

    – [UNIST graduates] Visit Kyongnam Bank from August 29th(Thu) with ID card + student ID card

    – [Other graduate freshmen except UNIST graduates] Visit Kyongnam Bank after preparing your identification card and photo, and the required documents below

    – Issuance: Visit Kyongnam Bank → Open a Korean bank account and get a debit card → Go to the Security Team (1st floor of the Bldg. 201) and input the access rights for school facilities

    * UNIST graduates should hold their ID card and student ID card (=reissuance of present student ID card)

    * Consent of the provision of personal information to 3rd party is included in the UNIST portal join process.

    * Dormitory residents who arrive at UNIST first time on the dormitory entrance date can issue a temporary entry card. After taking the student ID card, the temporary entry card should be returned.

    * It is highly recommended to receive your student ID card before the date of the semester starts so that there is no inconvenience in entering facilities and the dormitory.

    < Application for opening bank account and the student ID card for foreign freshmen >

    1. Passport holder

    1) Dormitory residents: passport + confirmation of residence/accommodation + certificate of enrollment

    2) Except dormitory residents: passport + contract of real estate purchase or lease agreement + certificate of enrollment

    ※ In the contract of real estate purchase or lease, the name of the tenant should be the student. If not, it will be available for banking after issuing the alien registration card (in case of the written address of the residence in his/her alien registration card)

    2. Students who already hold the alien registration card: Alien registration card + certificate of enrollment

    ※ If students don’t have their certificate of enrollment, it can be replaced to the certificate of admission issued by UNIST or the confirmation of reception of scholarship

    ※ Certificate of enrollment can be issued from the date of the entrance . It is printable as paper copy through the internet issuance system (free to charge) also the vending machine (pay charged to you via credit/debit card) on the 1st floor of the Main Administration Building (Bldg.201) and the lobby of the Engineering Building (Bldg.104). It is accessible with the UNIST portal ID, PW.

    ※ Additional Notice: If the student’s country is included in the higher-risk countries or the non-compliance from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), it might take more time (about 1 week) to approve the student’s application.

    4. Freshmen Orientation

    – College/department that conducts freshmen orientation will announce the detailed information

    – Graduate Handbook,Course Catalog: curriculum and graduation requirements by department(school)

    – You can check information about academic affairs, course registration, scholarship, library, research management, lab safety, and the human rights center (Please refer to the attachment)

    5. UNIST Portal ID

    – UNIST Portal (http://portal.unist.ac.kr) → ‘Join’ → making ID with graduate student number and name (UNIST graduated freshmen can use their present portal ID or apply for a new portal ID)

    * You can take the course registration only after making a portal ID (refer to the attached manual)

    * Portal ID will be a UNIST e-mail address(@unist.ac.kr) and not changeable, so please make it seriously

    * UNIST graduated freshmen should check their information whether it shows the graduate course’s register or not in the portal after creating their portal ID: if you have a problem, please contact the information strategy team.

    * Detailed inquiry: +82-(0)52-217-1437 (Information technology team), refers to the attached manual

    6. Course Registration

    – Course Registration Period: August 1st(Thu) 09:00 ~ August 2nd(Fri) 15:00

    * If you don’t register during the period above, it is possible to register in the course change and confirmation period.

    – Course Change and Confirmation: September 2nd(Mon) 08:00 ~ September 6th(Fri) 18:00

    – ‘Confirmation on Course Registration’ document must be printed and signed by advisor. The document do not have to be submitted.

    7. Enrollment

    – Period of Make Payment or Full Scholarship Registration : August 20th(Thu) 09:00 ~ August 22nd(Fri) 16:00

    * Bill Print : August 19th(Mon) 09:00 ~ August 22nd(Fri) 16:00

    – Enrollment Method : Full scholarship recipient (Full scholarship registration _ UNIST Portal), Other than full scholarship recipient (Payment)

    8. Document Submission

    – Submit the ‘Conformation on Course Registration’ document

    – Application for Academic Advisor Appointment and the Pledge of Ethics: to be informed

    – Credit Transfer(moved from the same degree program of UNIST or other universities) and Credit Carryover(for UNIST alumni who have any excess of credits required for graduation from undergraduate courses or who have any recognizable teaching course credits required as a doctoral course from the master’s program): to be informed

    If you have questions about the information above, please contact  registrar@unist.ac.kr. Thank you.

    Educational Affairs Team, UNIST