Notice of submitting Apostille for the final proof of academic background

  • 1,272Views
6월 04, 2021

    If you have passed the UNIST graduate program admission process and are registered, it is essential to submit an Apostille for the proof of academic background. (Overseas(Foreign) university degree holders)

    UNIST can issue a Certificate of Admission after the Apostille is confirmed.

    If you do not submit the apostille, the Certificate of Admission will not be issued and your admission will be cancelled.

    So, Applicants should refer to the attached file and prepare to submit an Apostille prior to the announcement of the final announcement.

    (1) Due Date: 2021, July 16th(Fri.)

    (2) How to Submit: By Post(Postal mail)

    (3) Mailing Address: Admissions Team, Room #105, Main Administrative Building(201), UNIST-gil 50, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea (Mr. Shin, Hyunjin)